Thursday, 23 October 2014

Of Grace's Mouth and Jonathan's Hand

Allowing Grace's entry into mainstream politics was a serious blunder for Zanu-PF. She is obviously a Tsvangirai type of leader - the type that speaks first and still does not think afterwards! If she thought afterwards she would not speak again.

Her virulent and vitriolic charge at the Vice President has definitely thrown some chilli powder into the eyes of the party. Even if her words are washed away, the party will be itching and inflamed for a long time afterwards.

Grace's behaviour in refusing to shake the vice president's hand in public is juvenile beyond belief. The immaturity she displayed makes it clear she is not leadership material.

In the few weeks she has been on the campaign trail, she has done much more damage to Zanu-PF than opposition parties and powerful states have struggled to do in decades.

Questions are starting to be raised about Zanu-PF's future such as in this article. Clearly many international observers have some to the conclusion that Grace has irreparably damaged Zanu-PF.

Grace's onslaught on the vice president has been heavily supported by the state media, particularly the Herald newspaper. Everyone knows that the state media is puppet managed by the minister of information Jonathan Moyo.

It is perhaps educating that he was expelled from Zanu-PF in 2008 for stirring factional politics, in what was dubbed the Tsholotsho debacle. He is a veteran factionalist. No sooner had he been allowed back into cabinet than was he reprimanded for fanning factionalism by the president. That was in February this year. He clearly does not learn very well as he seems deeply entwined in the latest round of factionalism.

It is no secret that Zanu-PF is a party very proud of its liberation war credentials. It is also no secret that the people who fought in the liberation war form the hard core of Zanu-PF's support base. Liberation war veterans are very well respected by Zimbabwean society.

Grace and the person thought to be the mastermind of her tirades, Jonathan Moyo, are not liberation war veterans. On the other hand the object of their attacks, Joice Mujuru, is one of the most famous liberation war fighters. Everyone knows her liberation war name, Teurai Ropa.

Teurai Ropa, along with the names Josiah Tongogara and Rex Nhongo were among the most well known on the ZANLA side, matched by Lookout Masuku and Dumiso Dabengwa on the ZIPRA side.

Joice Mujuru is well respected not just because of who she was married to but in her own right as a liberation war fighter. On the other hand the person leading the attack against her, has little credentials apart from which bedroom she sleeps in.

Even in that marriage, in the minds of many Zimbabweans, she plays distant second fiddle to Robert Mugabe's well respected first wife, Sally. It does not help that she went through several partnerships before settling down with the president, something frowned upon by Zimbabwe's highly conservative society. It is common to hear Zimbabweans making snide remarks about multiple totems when a woman has such a history.

Grace's foray into politics has also revealed an immature and divisive streak. Her rallies have mostly been about scolding and insulting party supporters and officials.

She infamously accused Ndebele men of being good only at making babies. Judging by the reaction on internet fora, this did not go down well with the party's support base, not just in Matebeleland but countrywide.

It is clear that her main concern is herself and not the people. Yet politics is a cooperative venture where the leader should strive to encourage and build teamwork, rather than sow divisions by attacking members of the team.

As we say in Shona, it remains to be seen where the snort-apple and the knob-kerrie will eventually fall. However I am willing to wager the bottom dollar in my pocket that Grace will not have a successful political career purely because of her own short comings. I am also willing to wager a cow's head that Musoro Damba is on his way out of Zanu-PF again.

Monday, 20 October 2014

Grace Mugabe: The stick prodding a wasps' nest.

For some people divisiveness is a talent. His Excellency President Mugabe's wife, Amai Grace (or should it be Dr Grace) Mugabe is one of such people.

Powerful first world intelligence agencies spend decades trying to pry open what they perceived to be chinks in Zanu-PF. They had little success. Now in a couple of weeks, the first lady has clearly managed to rip Zanu-PF into two chunks. I bow my head to her. Her talent at divisiveness is unmatched.

She even put on a rather juvenile show of not shaking Mai Mujuru's hand when the first family left for the Vatican.

It is clear that Amai is fighting other people's battles. She is being used as the stick that prods the wasps' nest. What I am still struggling to figure out is whose battles.

At face value one could say that Emmerson Mnangagwa has often been cited as the 'other' faction leader so Amai must be in bed with Mnangagwa.

However from the way things have been going, I am now wondering whether Mnangagwa himself is not just another stick being used by some hidden hand to prod the dreaded wasps nest.

It is clear that Amai's chief handler has been Oppah Muchinguri. It is no secret that Oppah and Joice Mujuru shared camps - and probably competed for men too - during the liberation war. Oppah's involvement and past 'competition' most likely explains the jealous tinge to Amai's ranting against the vice president.

Amai herself was not involved in the liberation war. Her only claim to political legitimacy in Zanu-PF is who she had sex with long after the liberation war. It is definitely not liberation war credentials.

Then there is the role the living ghost, Jonathan Moyo, seems to be playing in directing the state media to provide negative for the Vice President.

That Moyo is a schemer is an open secret. He was the chief mover in the Tsholotsho putcsh, which he convened to try and engineer the ouster of Robert Mugabe.

Remember as well, that Moyo minted his political career as a critic of Zanu-PF. During his heyday as a columnist for the Financial Gazette he was the most virulent critic of Zanu-PF. This was at a time when Westerners were still showering knighthoods and honorary degrees on Mugabe.

One wonders whether his is not a mission to destroy Zanu-PF. After having failed to make any dents from outside, he seems to be making an effort from inside now, turning Zanu-PF stalwarts against each other - in classical divide and destroy manoeuvre.

I do not think Zanu-PF is about to implode. However I do think Amai Grace his been hung out on a very delicate branch.

Friday, 17 October 2014

The bullfight begins!

Some people are simply talented at what they do. That includes being naturally divisive.

Rich and powerful western intelligence agencies, spend decades trying to divide Zanu-PF. First there was talk of Karanga vs Zezuru factions. Of course these words mean the same thing, the tradition of worshipping Mwari through a serious of ancestral spirit mediums is called chiKaranga or chiZezuru which is why people who speak chiKaranga in Botswana are called maZezuru.

These factions were supposed to be headed by Mujuru and Mnangagwa without any explanation on the fact that the former was a muKorekore not a muZezuru.

These powerful entities failed.

But one woman, in week of rallying around the country has succeeded where they failed. She has torched what is bound to be a bout of open warfare in Zanu-PF.

Like a bull in a fight she has launched a spirit charge at the other faction. Just as in any normal bull fight, it is to be expected the other bull will charge back.

Heads will knock together with force. Horns will be clashing and clanging together. Of course tufts of grass have already been flying. More will fly.

Guys take the ringside seats and get ready to witness the battle royale for the control of Zanu-PF.

Grace has thrown down the gauntlet. She has knocked over the mother's breasts of the other faction. If she is not expecting a response then she is not very clever.


Friday, 3 October 2014

Open Letter to Amai Grace Mugabe

Dear Amai

I am a graduate of the University of Zimbabwe who was capped by His Excellency the President of Zimbabwe Comrade Robert Gabriel Mugabe in person. I am extremely proud of our institution of highest learning.

I know it has produced some of the best quality graduates in the region, whose abilities are highly respected. They have given it a shinning and growing reputation. It is my wish to see that reputation continue to grow. I would not want to see it lowered.

Amai, I would very much love to congratulate you on your graduation from this prestigious beloved institution of ours. However, before I do that, may I humbly ask for clarity on a few points.

I know that many people who study for degrees at whatever level publicize it, especially if they are prominent people. They even publicise the period of study. It is entirely shocking to hear about someone's study and qualification only when the chancellors hand is about to be placed upon their head to cap them.

For example we know that Her Excellency Vice President Mujuru graduated from the Women's University in 2005. She graduated again from Chinhoyi University of Technology in 2008. We already knew that she was going to graduate from the Women's University again this year.

Amai your study seems to have been rather secretive. Needless to say that on its own raises a lot of questions.

Awarding a 'degree' under murky circumstances, not only makes the recipient an object of ridicule, it also makes the awarding institution an object of ridicule. It besmirches its reputation.

It seriously compromises the integrity and reputation of qualifications, not only to be awarded in future, but those already awarded by the institution.

Once serious doubt is cast upon the veracity and quality of degrees an institution awards, it seriously affects the careers and employment opportunities of alumni of the institution.

My dearest Amai, you will not be sitting in the interview panels and employment agencies that review job applications. If the perception is that the UZ awards degrees without paying due attention to the quality of the study process, CVs will be thrown aside without much ado.

It is therefore in the interests of UZ graduates, past, present and future, to make sure that the degrees that we spent years and thousands of dollars studying for are not degraded in the eyes of potential employers. The acquisition of a degree is not an ego enhancement endeavour, but a serious learning process.

Based upon information in the public domain, our dearest Amai you do not seem to have done sufficient study to obtain a baccalaureate, let alone a doctorate.

University study is a public affair because it is meant to demonstrate publicly that the student has done the necessary work to acquire a certain level of knowledge. That is why study records are always publicly available usually in the form of project reports, published papers, theses and other activities all listed in an academic transcript.

To obtain a doctorate degree by study one needs to have a baccalaureate degree and a subsequent masters degree. During the study for the doctorate itself one needs to author several academic papers of sufficient quality to be published in internationally renown, referred journals.

Amai it is up to you to let us know which journals your work was published in.

In conclusion, Amai if you did do the work requisite for a doctoral degree, I would like to heartily congratulate you on your successful graduation.

If you did not, I will not lie to you. Not only am I disgusted, but I am extremely concerned at the potential to degrade qualifications issued by the UZ in the eyes of industry and commerce.

They ultimately are the main reason why people are schooled in universities. People are not schooled just to give them status, but to make them true experts that industry and commerce can rely upon.

Only you know the truth of what happened. It is up to you to silence the doubting Thomases with a forthright narrative of how your study was conducted. That should be very simple.

Thank you very much Amai for giving me your attention. Once clarification has been made on your qualification process, I will not withhold my congratulations.
