Sunday 7 August 2011

Zimbabwe Politics

The pathetic thing about Zimbabwe politicians of the past 2 decades, is that they cannot seem to identify substantive issues to formulate policies around, yet there are so many things which need to be done in the country.

Consequently opposition politics has been reduced to mere Mugabe and Zanu-PF trashing, leaving the erena almost devoid of substantive issues except those raised by Zanu-PF itself.

For example the only substantive issues that are talked about in any depth are land reform and indigenisation. These were brought into the debate by Zanu-PF policies.

If opposition parties do not want to follow behind Zanu-PF on policy, there are numerous other national development issues they could formulate policies around. For example infrastructure development is one such issue. Rural infrastructure is deplorable and needs to be upgraded.

Rural were at first neglected by past colonial governments as part of their racist policies. Unfortunately the black population has been mentally colonised and have come to consider it normal that rural areas are backward. Rural dwellers most living in titleless communal lands need secure legal tenure to foster their development.

Zimbabwe is famed for its educated people. However the truth is that Zimbabweans are educated because of the work ethic of the students. In terms of basic education infrastructure such as classroom teaching aids, Zimbabwe is horrendously backward. Most schools are not computerised or even electrified. Universities are horribly under-equipped and understaffed.

Yet Zimbabwe's politicians are focused on taking the little resources the country has and sending their often dull children to expensive schools and universities outside the country. Bona is in Hong Kong and the Tsvangirai brood are all over the world.

Sending politicians children overseas is not only expensive in terms of the fees but also expensive in terms of their upkeep. The political brats are often spoilt into leading pointlessly expensive lifestyles.

These are issues which any sensible opposition could formulate national policies around. Yet what do we get endless harping about Mugabe this, Zanu-PF that. Exchange of insults has suplanted the exchange of ideas.

Organising youths into violent groups rather than organising them into productive self-help groups has become a favourite pass-time of all political parties. It is sad that buying youths scuds is considered a legitimate campaign strategy by all these politicians.

I cry for Zimbabwe.

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