Wednesday 7 October 2015

France's Silence Over Kunduz Massacre is Disgusting

It is now almost a week since a French organisation, Medecins Sans Frontiers, had its 100 bed hospital deliberately flattened by Afghan and American forces. I say deliberately because the Afghan government has clearly stated that the hospital was targeted because they thought there were 15 Taliban inside. The Afghan government even proudly claimed success in killing these Taliban. You do not claim success over a mistake.

The one thing I find absolutely disgusting is the total silence of the French government over the massacre of nurses and patients. Not even the mistress of a junior official has been reported to have said anything. I wonder how the French have lost their voice given that were engaged in all sorts of shrill theatrics over Syria the week prior.

I would love for Mr Hollande to personally answer this question. Is the bombardment of a French run hospital something not worth talking about? Maybe the lives lost there are worthless to him because they are Afghan not French.

Medecins Sans Frontiers won a Nobel prize in 1999. Was that not a good thing for France? Did the all the non-French people who work for MSF in the field not contribute to that success? If a Nobel prize was worthy, why are the non-French who work for MSF so worthless that Mr Hollande doesn't even bat an eyelid upon their death?

Not one single word condolences, or any sort of sympathy expression, has been reported as coming from the French government. The callousness is unbelievable.

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