Sunday 30 September 2012

Proving Prince Harry's Manhood

Does Prince Harry really have to prove his manhood by shooting up Afghans. I think he would be better proving his manhood by stripping young damsels at strip poker.

Prince Harry was having fun striping young ladies in Las Vegas, and it looks like he is now being send to have more fun taking target practice on Afghans.

I know the whole routine involving telling us how he is fighting the Taliban. But the bottom line is that the West do not know exactly who they are killing in Afghanistan and Pakistan's tribal areas. They often claim they have killed Taliban only for the target to turn up alive later.

The West does not allow any close examination of who they are killing in the area because they themselves do not know who they are killing. They also do not care about the civilians, women and children caught in the crossfire.

Surely the British royal family must have better ways of proving the manhood of their menfolk, than fomenting wars in poor parts of the world and then sending their menfolk to have some target practice. It is a callous and disgusting manifestation of how cheaply they view OUR lives in the third world.

A man is frivolously stripping young ladies one week and the next he is being send to take target practice on our lives. Surely our lives can be as cheap as the banal activities of the Las Vegas strip.

I keep saying our lives because I am also a third world citizen and I plan on remaining one to the end of my days or until my particular patch of the third world rises to first world standards. I know very well what is being done in other parts of the third world can easily be done in my part of the world as well.

I did not design the emperor's costume so don't blame me for pointing out his nakedness. The pun with the particular individual we are discussing is entirely accidental but nonetheless appropriate.

Nonetheless the wars that the west are fomenting in many parts of the third world, are entirely pointless. I doubt if the West themselves even know why they are fighting those wars. I bet the primary reason is simply that they have the weapons and their politicians want to look tough.

In reality they end looking like manipulative backstabbers, who are misleading the entire world towards more, and more violent trouble.

It is a sad world where OUR lives in the third world have become an election commodity in the first world. First world politicians show off the biceps by lobbying a few bombs and missiles into third world populations whenever they wish.

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